On 23rd May, 2019 (Thursday) at 10.50pm, I received bad news

 that my nephew, Isaiah Lim, met with an accident with a lorry while riding his motorbike. (Photo: Isaiah and his baby)

Isaiah was semi-conscious with a serious head injury. He was admitted to the Kajang Hospital and there, he lost consciousness and was warded into the HDU. Jean and I texted our brothers and cell leaders to pray with us. That night, many pastors in Kajang visited Isaiah and prayed for him.

The next day, Isaiah’s condition became critical. Jean & I rushed to the hospital, praying and crying aloud to the Lord all the way to rescue and save him. God is good! As we entered the ward and called and touched him, Isaiah tried to open his eyes & sit up; but to no avail. He fell back, and slipped into unconsciousness again. However, the fact there was a slight movement gave us much hope.

Isaiah was a sight! Head bandaged with neck brace, cuts on his forehead and all over his body, with drips and oxygen. Nurses said his ‘kepala sudah pecah’ (his head is broken).

The 1st scan showed there was bleeding in his head, but thankfully his internal organs were not affected.

More people came to pray for him, including our cell leaders, Michelle & Hock Keat. An old Indian friend also came to pray for Isaiah, tears streaming when he saw Isaiah’s condition.

It is the 3rd day now, Saturday. Isaiah was still unconscious. In fact, he became delirious a few times, wanting to pull off his oxygen mask. Nurses had to tie him down. However, his bleeding has abated and there is no blood clot. Another good news.

There was a non-stop flow of visitors and strong prayer support for Isaiah from the 1st day of his admission.

By Monday afternoon, Isaiah’s father called with the good news that Isaiah had regained consciousness and started talking! His neck brace was removed & continuous oxygen supply was not required anymore. He was discharged 2 days later. Praise the Lord!

In the 6 days, Isaiah’s condition was ‘touch and go’. However, God is powerful to heal. He is our Protector and our Healer! He hears our prayers and answers them. HALLELUJAH!

Our family would like to thank everyone from so many different churches for their tremendous prayer support. Special thanks to our cell leaders and members. We want to also commend the doctors and nurses and Kajang hospital who did a good job of rescuing Isaiah.

Betty Lim, FGT Subang Jaya