Thank God for the beautiful rainbow which represents His presence! On Saturday 1 July 2017, by God’s grace and mercy, my mother who is now 55 years old had accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour at the Supernatural Encounter Healing Rally. Praise God!!

However, she did not receive her complete healing on her ears and tongue. The next night, by faith we brought our mother to the Supernatural Encounter rally again. God used Apostle Maldonado to perform the 5 miracles in the Bible that night. In the beginning after sometime of prayer, she still failed to receive the healing and had even started to feel disappointed and give up! However, by the grace of God and the support from church members whom attended the rally, after sometime of perseverance in prayer and with faith, together we began to see breakthrough!

Praise the Lord that she had started to have some response in her hearing and we believe the healing power of God had taken place. As we whispered some words through her ears, she was able to repeat after us though the pronunciation was not clear but we believe through our God and the perseverance in prayer she will be healed totally.

Please continue to pray along with us so that through this we all may experience more of God’s supernatural encounter through our church. Let us all go and pray for the sick wherever we are, believing that signs and wonders will accompany the preaching of the gospel. Quoting Apostle Maldonado, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it”. Let us step out in faith and inspire believers around us to do the same.

To God be the glory; great things He has done!

Tommy Gan, FGT Seremban